Jenna Schlener M.S.

Seabird Research Coordinator


My general fields of interest include movement ecology, phenology, individual variation, and science communication.

My passion for seabirds started at College of the Atlantic, where I received my B.A. in Human Ecology. During that time I conducted research on foraging ecology and monitored productivity of herring gulls on Great Duck Island. From there I started a master's thesis at McGill University focused on individual variation in foraging behavior and personality in black-legged kittiwakes. In the summers of 2019 and 2020 I was the crew leader on Middleton Island where we monitored breeding success for a variety of seabirds. I joined the Research Department at the ASLC as the seabird research coordinator in April 2021. I am working on multiple projects surveying seabirds in the Resurrection Bay/Kenai Fjord area to analyze species diversity, abundance, phenology, and habitat use. I am also helping to continue developing our community science program.