Scientist, US Geological Survey Alaska Science Center
Dan's role in Gulf Watch Alaska:
Lingering Oil Program Principal Investigator
Important skills for his position:
Ability to stay warm in the winter!
Challenges in his work:
"Any time you’re working with wild animals, it’s always a challenge… it requires a bit of a hunter’s mentality almost, to think about what the animal is thinking and where they are going to be and try to incorporate that into your trap set-up."
Dan's advice to young people interested in science: "Start by volunteering on field projects and getting to know people that are in the business… Do what you can to get into the system and really get to know what a wildlife research career looks like."
Dan Esler describes what he loves about fieldwork in the Gulf of Alaska. (0:37)
There are some really spectacular moments in the field, and that really is the payoff for a lot of the hard work that we do. There are so many interesting things that you see when you’re out and about that the general public often doesn’t really get to see.
There’s spectacular scenery, and I think about the herring spawns that I’ve seen on Montague Island, with marine mammals and birds and everything congregated and foraging on herring spawn, just some spectacular moments that are hard to see anywhere else in the world really.