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Jemison, L.A., G.W. Pendleton, K.K. Hastings, J.M. Maniscalco, and L.W. Fritz. 2018. Spatial distribution, movements, and geographic range of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska. PLoS ONE 13(12):e0208093. Miller, C.N., L. Polasek, A.M.C. Oliveria, and J. Maniscalco. 2017. Milk fatty acid composition of perinatal and foraging Steller sea lions: examination from pup stomachs. Canadian Journal of Zoology doi:10.1139/cjz-2016-0015. Maniscalco, J.M., A.M. Springer, M.D. Adkison, P. Parker. 2015. Population trend and elasticities of vital rates for Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the eastern Gulf of Alaska: A new life history table analysis. PLoS ONE 10(10):e0140982. Rea, L.D., A.M. Christ, A.B. Hayden, V.K. Stegall, S. D. Farley, C.A. Stricker, J.E. Mellish, J.M. Maniscalco, J.N. Waite, V.N. Burkanov, K.P. Pitcher. 2015. Age-specific vibrissae growth rates: a tool for determining the timing of ecologically important events in Steller sea lions. Marine Mammal Science 31(3):1213-1233. Maniscalco, J.M., A.M. Springer, P. Parker, M.D. Adkison. 2014. A longitudinal study of Steller sea lion natality rates in the Gulf of Alaska with comparisons to census data. PLoS ONE 9(11):e111523. Parker, P., J.M. Maniscalco. 2014. A long-term study reveals multiple reproductive behavior strategies among territorial adult male Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 92:405-415. Maniscalco, J.M. 2014. The effects of birth weight and maternal care on survival of juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumtopias jubatus). PLoS ONE 9(5):e96328. Jemison, L.A., G.W. Pendleton, L.W. Fritz, K.K. Hastings, J.M. Maniscalco, A.W. Trites, T.S. Gelatt. 2013. Inter-population movements of Steller sea lions in Alaska with implications for population separation. PLoS ONE 8(8):e7016. Keogh, M.J., A. Atkinson, J.M. Maniscalco. 2013. Body condition and endocrine profiles of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups during the early postnatal period. General and Comparative Endocrinology 184:42-50. Castellini, J.M., L.D. Rea, C.L. Lieske, K.B. Beckman, B.S. Fadely, J.M. Maniscalco, T.M. O’Hara. 2012. Mercury concentrations in hair from neonatal and juvenile Steller sa lions (Eumetopias jubatus): Implications based on age and region in this northern Pacific marine sentinel piscovore. EcoHealth 9:267-277. Maniscalco, J.M., A.M. Springer, P. Parker. 2010. High natality rates of endangered Steller sea lions in Kenai Fjords, Alaska and perceptions of population status in the Gulf of Alaska. PLoS ONE 5(4):e10076. Keogh, M.J., J.M. Maniscalco, S. Atkinson. 2010. Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups undergo a decrease in circulating white blood cells and the ability of T cells to proliferate during early postnatal development. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 137:298-304. Maniscalco, J.M., P. Parker. 2009. A case of twinning and the care of two offspring of different age in Steller sea lions. Marine Mammal Science 25:206-213. Maniscalco, J.M., A. Hoover-Miller, D. Zatz. 2008. Remote monitoring of pinnipeds in Kenai Fjords National Park. Alaska Park Science 7:12-17. Maniscalco, J.M.,D.G. Calkins, P. Parker, S. Atkinson. 2008. Causes and extent of natural mortality among Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups. Aquatic Mammals 34:277-287. Parker, P., J.T. Harvey, J.M. Maniscalco, S. Atkinson. 2008. Pupping-site fidelity among individual Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) at Chiswell Island, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86:826-833. Maniscalco, J.M., C. O. Matkin, D. Maldini, S. Atkinson, D.G. Calkins. 2007. Assessing killer whale predation on Steller sea lions from field observations in Kenai Fjords, Alaska. Marine Mammal Science 23:306-321. Maniscalco, J.M., K. R. Harris, S. Atkinson, P. Parker. 2007. Alloparenting in Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus): correlations with misdirected care and other observations. Journal of Ethology 25:125-131. Maniscalco, J.M., P. Parker, S. Atkinson. 2006. Interseasonal and interannual measures of maternal care among individual Steller sea lions. Journal of Mammalogy 87:304-311. Maniscalco, J.M., K. Wynne, K.W. Pitcher, M.B. Hanson, S.R. Melin, S. Atkinson. 2004. The occurrence of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in Alaska. Aquatic Mammals 30:427-433.
Maniscalco, J.M., S. Atkinson, and P. Armato. 2002. Early maternal care and pup survival in Steller sea lions: A remote video monitoring project in the northern Gulf of Alaska. Arctic Research 16:36-41.